January Blog Day – save the date!


We’ve set the date for the next Blog Day! Make sure you book your half hour slot on January 14th 2015. Come along to our studios in Ashford and record your elevator pitch, sales message or service update. A quick and efficient way to get video on to your web site. A half hour recording slot is £50 plus vat. You can record 1,2,3 or however many short video blogs as you want making this the bargin of the year and the best January sale investment you could make. Blog day is going to become a regular service throughout 2015 so if you can’t make the 14th January then get intouch to book your slot on a future blog day.

For those who have never tried video on your web site this is a simple and easy first step to see if it works for you. Find out how clients react to your blog day message and watch your social media specialist utilise another link to your web site as the easiest blog days videos are simply added to your site as a You Tube video link.

Simple preparation is needed for the day. Aim for a message of no more than 2 minutes, practice what you want to say before you arrive, make a few notes of the key points you want to make. Practice smiling into a mirror and saying your piece. Make sure you can say it without stuttering, hesitation or repeating yourself – practice makes perfect.

If you want to bring props or signage etc to dress your set please do so but bear in mind that the video blog will be recorded just head and shoulders framed.