Commercial and Industrial Photography, Case Studies, Annual Report and Brochure illustration, Reportage style coverage.
Midwifery demonstration at Londoon Excel Skills Exhibition
Promotion for the NHS BT
On a visit to a school near Abuja in Nigeria for the Foreign Office annual report.
A book cover for an Ian Rankin novel. The stag beetle was a reference to the main charactor of the book. One shot, no photoshop work added.
Book cover illustration “About the Body” short stories.
A Picture for an insurance bokers web site to illurate “insurance cover”
A calender illustration for a major government department.
Studio test shot for cover of Surveyors brochure.
A commission for the Department of Health for a recruitment brochure for Surgeons.
Gold Card promotional image for Slefridges.
Construction work in Barnsley, bleak, cold and moody.
Case study images of airfield support services.
New design of takeaway packaging studio shot with photoshop work.
A simple multi exposure image composited in photoshop to illustrate a web site on insurance savings.
A new process for tablet coating illustration for the manufacturers. A multi part montage assembled in Photoshop.
Post refurbishment record shot.
Commisssion for the Palace of Westminster to illusrtrate lighting set up.
Maintainance illustration at the British Libriary. Creative lighting to produce a more exciting image.
An image from a selection of libriary shots for a Police magazine.
Illustration for a Facilities management company around Airfields.
Non smoking PR event coverage for the NHS.
DHL controlled of international movement of vehicles recorded in Germany.
Image for a web stationary company.
DHL Forwarding movement of Oil refinery equipment from Ortona Italy to Kazakhstan. Covered in both stills and video services.
Early Personal project.One shot no photoshop work added.
London Rubber company, brochure illustration, part of the shoot covering complete manufacturing and testing processes.
Requested by the Revenue and Customs department to illistrate an article for an internal paper. Multiple exposure compiled in Photoshop.
A contract with the NHS Blood & Transplant service generates lots of smiley work in progress images.
A classic Sir Norman Foster design that makes stunning images and backdrops.
One of a set of case studies carried out for a quality floor installer.
One of a selection of interiers for David Brown Flooring to advertise their quality installations.
A Campaign about saftey for the Department of Trade and Industry required a more creative image than a basic shoot, retouching and montage work were all involved to produce the broken china doll image
Nigerian Army training under supervision from UK advisers, image for Foreign Office annual report.
Part of a Foreign Office Annual Report Commission to cover the work of Embassy staff around the world. Shoots included, Nigeria, Pakistan, China, Turkey and Brussels all in a six week period.
A montage of studio style shots done on location to illustrate the staffs energy and enthusiasm
A tablet packing plant in mainland China for Foreign Office Annual Report on overseas trade elements.
Poor children begging in small town in Kashmir, Pakistan. Reportage image while on Foreign Offices annual report shoot.
Commission from The Metropolitian Police to cover night crime for their libriary.
A request to make a high tech bit of equipment look exciting needed creative lighting.
A case study project for the Metropolitan Police of their Traffic division.
A case study shoot for The Department of Health to illustrate the roll of radiologists. Use of creative lighting to add more drama and urgency to a subject that isn’t visually attractive as seen normally.
The refurbishment of a gallery in the Natural History Museum.
Commissioned directly by Wickes I covered many of their value added functions as well as instore photography.
An illustration for a magazine article on street crime, a passer by nearly clobbered the male actor!
Construction of a test house using new roofing techniques and products.
A portrait at work commission direct for Sainsbury’s of one of their instore chef’s that help market products.
An image to illustrate the enthusiasm and excitement generated by Sainsburys in-store Chefs.
A computer harddrive for the manufacturer, studio lit with the lightbrush technique – ring for details!