Working on event photography for many years gives one an insight into what works and what doesn’t in the running of an event. Having worked with experienced professionals at the top of their tree in some of the most prestigious venues in London and the South East (including Royal Palaces etc) Brian Russell has a wealth of experience to share in the planning and organising of event photography.
This is the first short blog on Event Photography with advice on the subject of guest portraits at the beginning of an event, the pros and cons of where and when event photography should be considered. Look out for further blogs on the subject to follow. Including discussions on stage planning, speaker management, branding and how to get the best out of your event photographer.
If you are involved with the planning and management of any event from a corporate dinner to a full scale conference the candid advice of an event photography specialist with give you an alternative view when considering scheduling and design of your event.
The services of BRD Associates also includes event video coverage and Event Organisers should have a look at examples of our work on our video portfolio page. Experienced at Royal attended events, Ministerial portraits and VIP attended conferences BRD Associates has the experience to help your event run smoothly.
By Brian Russell
copyright 2014